by Amanda O'Brien | May 6, 2016 | Blog
I almost choked on my toast when I read this You may have seen an article online earlier this week on the topic of ‘Words that bump up your selling price on eBay’. It appeared on several news sites in different guises, slightly re-worded and by different authors –...
by Amanda O'Brien | Apr 1, 2016 | Blog
I have a very special favour to ask which will be beneficial to you… It’s not a difficult favour, will only take up 30 seconds of your time and will help you in the long term. Curious? I’ll let you know what it is later on in this eletter! First I want to reacquaint...
by Amanda O'Brien | Jan 1, 2016 | Blog
New Year’s Day is always very significant to me because it’s the very day that 11 years ago I decided to make some big changes in my life. If I hadn’t made the decision in 2005 to go for it and set about starting a business on eBay, I wouldn’t be sat here writing this...
by Amanda O'Brien | Dec 18, 2015 | Blog
The onset of a new year is often the time when you might start to re-evaluate your current situation, whether it’s regarding your personal or professional life and start thinking about ways in which you can make changes. I know a lot of my eTail Hub readers are keen...
by Amanda O'Brien | Nov 27, 2015 | Blog, Featured
New to eBay… Small inventory… Should you wait before opening an eBay shop… or jump straight in? You may remember that a few weeks ago, the topic of my blog post was all about the complications I went through whilst trying to ensure my eBay shop name was changed...
by Amanda O'Brien | Nov 20, 2015 | Blog, christmas products, Featured, office gifts, party gifts, Product Sourcing Articles
This is your last chance In just 35 days time, it will be Christmas Day! Yes I know, that’s exactly 5 weeks away! It’s snuck up on us again and believe me, those 5 weeks will pass you by in a flash so don’t be lulled into a false sense of security thinking you’ve...
by Amanda O'Brien | Nov 13, 2015 | Blog, Featured
Join the scrum from relative online safety and increase your Christmas sales Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll have noticed that ‘Black Friday’ has been in the news this week! Black Friday originates from the United States and is now a very popular yearly...
by Amanda O'Brien | Nov 6, 2015 | Blog, chinese sellers, Featured, hmrc, vat
I am officially angry about this… I’ve just been reading this article here which appeared on the BBC news website earlier this week detailing how Amazon and eBay may find themselves ‘liable’ if they continue to ignore some sellers on their sites who are committing VAT...
by Amanda O'Brien | Oct 30, 2015 | babz media td, Blog, Featured, margin
A couple of weeks ago I was browsing online, checking up on my eBay competitors, catching up with the news via several forums and generally updating myself on what’s going on in the world of online selling when I noticed a thread regarding the company ‘Babz Media...
by Amanda O'Brien | Oct 23, 2015 | Blog, Featured, product bundling, sales strategy, the apprentice
Follow the crowd, but don’t – Be the same, but different…. Confused? Yay ‘The Apprentice’ is back on our screens on BBC for an eleventh series, showcasing another bunch of candidates who don’t seem to have an ounce of business sense between the 18 of them. Laugh-wise...
by Amanda O'Brien | Oct 16, 2015 | Blog, Featured, store settings
Who is more clever – me or eBay? Those who have been following my eletter regularly will know that I have multiple eBay accounts – all at varying levels of powerseller/non powerseller status, and earlier this week I encountered a bit of a dilemma on a non powerseller...
by Amanda O'Brien | Oct 9, 2015 | Blog, Featured, home business, Motivational Corner, start ecommerce business, tasks, time management
This is potentially the biggest killer of the home business I’m a regular at the gym, but such is the environment there that it’s rare I actually have a long conversation with anyone – I’m plugged into my iPod as are most people and everyone is extremely focused – so...