Today I want to remind you of something really important…
Anyone can run a successful online or offline business.
I mean it. Just look at me! I’m just a normal, everyday kind of girl, a wife, mother (not forgetting dog walker, cook, taxi-driver and general household skivvy of course!)
All I did was uncover a particular formula for success.
And here’s the thing…
Once you understand that very same formula you’ll find yourself in a position that will enable you to make as much or as little money as you like, on a full-time or part-time basis.
For any business that sells ‘a product’ there is ONE very important aspect that is pivotal to your success.
Now this might seem a bit obvious, but bear with me. What is essential is finding a product that sells. Not just once, I’m not talking about a one-off sale here, but a product or products that sell over and over, on a continual basis.
The formula isn’t a secret
There really is no big secret to this, in fact, the formula is very simple:
1. Find a hot market
2. Source a product that the market is crying out for
3. Sell the product to the people who are queuing up to purchase it
4. And repeat.
That’s it. And you can repeat this formula with lots of different products in the same niche.
Let’s play the numbers game
Here’s what will happen when you crack the formula:
You identify your hot market, you source a product for that market and you sell 15 items a week – easier than you might think – that’s only 2 or 3 items a day.
You make £5 net profit from each product so your total profit for the week is £75.
You then decide to introduce a second product to the same hot market and again make £5 net profit per product and sell 15 of those too. Congratulations. You have just doubled your weekly net profit to £150.
Now, imagine having 5 hot product lines all selling at the same rate as before – suddenly and without huge effort on your part, your net profit is £375 per week and you are still only working part-time on this.
Ok, so you get the idea. Think about the sheer amount of hot markets there are out there – sporting goods, home and garden, pet supplies, electronics accessories…
I could go on, and on. There are literally thousands of hot markets out there waiting for you to tap into.
Anyway, I digress. The reason I wanted to remind you of all this is because one of the biggest stumbling blocks you will ever encounter when starting your own business is what to sell and where to find it.
This applies whether you want to sell on eBay, Amazon, from your own website… even if you want to set up your own market stall or bricks and mortar shop.
It’s the actual researching and sourcing of hot products to resell part that so many reach and then hit the wall.
What most people fail to understand is that once you find a way around the wall you are on the home straight. Success is inevitable. That’s why you must stick it out, keep going and not allow frustration to get the better of you.
Be impulsive. Take small risks and importantly refuse to be beaten.
I’ve worked through a steep learning curve myself over the years, made plenty of mistakes and spent a good few evenings crying into my computer keyboard with sheer frustration… but the fact is that anyone really can run a successful business.
All you need to get started is 5 in demand products to start making at least £375 per week part-time.
You don’t have to start with 5 immediately either. Research and source one product then move on to the next and so on as you gradually build your inventory. If you reach 10 products, this has the potential to net you £750 per week. This is the strategy and it’s so simple.
So, stuck for a niche? Looking for a hot market? Visit your local newsagent and browse the magazines section. If there’s a magazine dedicated to a niche or product, then it’s hot! Look in the classified ads section within the magazine to identify possible products you can sell within that market.
It won’t cost you a penny, only your time.