So now, for the first time, we have the pleasure of being part of Amanda O’Brien’s universe and we already feel at home. We thought that for our first blog post we would tell a bit about who we are and what we do.
Who we are
We’re a fun tech start-up based in London. We’ve been around since October 2011, but started trading in March 2012. Chris and James, who founded iwoca, are former VP’s at respectively Goldman and Deutsche Bank. We work within the e-commerce industry and are very tightly knit into the eBay community, mainly catering to them.
What we do
We provide working capital for online sellers, at the moment primarily for sellers on eBay and Amazon, but we have big plans for the future. Essentially, sellers can borrow up to £20,000 for up to six months. You have set monthly instalments, but you can always pay back early if you prefer and will always only pay interest for the amount of time that you hold the money.
A lot of the businesses we talk to are having difficulties finding funding elsewhere, especially at the level of speed that we can bring, which is essential for sellers who may have to have cash on the spot in order to secure an amazing offer on stock. We trust that you know what’s best for your business, but we try hard to build relationships with our customers. It’s pretty simple, when you’re happy, we’re happy.
But enough about us…
Don’t worry, this is the only time we’re going to talk this much about us. This is simply an introduction to who we are, from now on it will be all about you and what you guys find interesting. We’re good at giving simple, plain tips on managing your cash and finance – the thing that we know most about – but we’re always happy to get all sorts of inputs. If there’s something specific you’re interested in hearing more about, feel free to suggest.
As we basically live in the e-commerce community and talk to online sellers every day, we get a pretty good idea of what’s going on here and there and we like to share our thoughts with everyone else in the community. To keep the connections in the eBay community, we organise Meetups around the country. We pay for the beers and you guys chat away. There are lots of subjects you can come across when talking to sellers and we love to hear more from you and get your input. That’s really what makes it fun to play.
To read more about our service and how we may be able to help you, just visit our website