This is so easy to use – anyone can do it
Well, what an exciting few days it’s been. My E-Seller Mastery Programme sold out early again so I’m sorry if you didn’t manage to secure a place. I’m absolutely delighted though to welcome all my new students on board. Exciting times are ahead and I’m so looking forward to working with everyone.
It’s a busy time for me right now and I’m sure you know exactly what it’s like when you are busy and those ‘small’ things just don’t seem to get done. Things like filing! Currently I am looking at a massive pile of paperwork which is threatening to take over a whole corner of my desk and engulf me if I make one wrong move – which I really should get to grips with.
We all know that it’s far better to keep on top of these ‘boring’ things on a daily, weekly or even a monthly basis rather than having to make a mad scramble about at the last minute when your accounts are due, trying to find everything you need, so it makes perfect sense that an easy to use accounting or spreadsheet system would be very useful – particularly for recording your eBay sales… Well you’ll be pleased to know that I know of the perfect tool to help you keep things in order and I am more than happy to recommend it to you.
Created by an eBay Seller – for eBay Sellers!
Have you ever had one of those moments where you’ve thought; ‘Whatever did I do without this?’ I do all the time when I discover simple yet brilliant ideas, and this is definitely one of those.
I want to tell you about this easily accessible Excel spreadsheet which was designed and created by Jen and Josh Sinsel. Jen sells on eBay and Josh is the technical brains behind the actual spreadsheet, so this is obviously a great partnership to have when creating something like this. It’s called Easy Auctions Tracker and is an ingenious easy to use tool. At the present time, Easy Auctions Tracker is available to eBay sellers in the UK, US, Australia and Canada.
An Excel Spreadsheet? Anyone can fill one of those in…
Well yes and no! It is indeed an Excel Spreadsheet but it’s fully automated and actually collects your information from your eBay account for you…so you don’t have to flap around inputting time consuming data manually.
This tool will literally record all your sold (and unsold) items on eBay with the simple click of a button. Then once the data has been collected you can view it all at once or in handy monthly summaries and reports. You don’t even have to divulge your eBay username and password – Easy Auctions Tracker doesn’t require this information from you, it all works via a token style system which is explained when you sign up and the process only takes a few moments so it’s all very secure.
You’ll need Microsoft Excel 2002 XP or later to be able to use this spreadsheet so make sure you are compatible before you start and you can download a version for use in Excel 2007, 2010 or 2013. What’s great though is that you can take a free trial of the full version before you purchase so you’ll be able to see exactly how this tool works and what the spreadsheet can offer you in terms of helping your business run more smoothly. If you decide to upgrade after your trial it’s an annual fee of $49.99 which is considerably cheaper than hiring an accountant.
I recommend that if you use this tool you try and remember to retrieve your information once a week so that you are always up to date – and as it’s literally just the click of a button, it’s very easy! You can get all the details and try your free fully functional trial here:
As you start to grow your online sales inventory, inevitably you will have more money coming in, a little more going out on purchases and so ultimately more paperwork to keep track of. The point is that you do need to grow and as you do you have to juggle more parts to your business. That’s why it’s best to get into the routine of keeping your accounts in order right from the word go. And if you think you don’t need to keep track of your sales and profits then you are not treating your business as a business – a mistake that so many make.
If I put this into some kind of perspective for you now it will help. Look at it this way…over at my membership site The Source Report throughout every month I detail hot products that, sold in the way I recommend, could potentially make you a profit. During February, the total potential NET profits my suggested hot products amounted to was over £23,000 per year – and that’s with just 3 specific products. Now that’s a fair few sales for you to be keeping track of isn’t it? And wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly how much you’ve made at any time and be looking at your accounting profit and loss data on your computer, all nice and tidy in a lovely Excel spreadsheet…with the profit clearly stating £23,000.
So that’s why you should seriously consider getting your accounts in order right away. Oh and (cheeky plug coming!) you should also seriously consider subscribing to The Source Report too with that much potential profit on offer – and that’s just from 3 products. I’ve added even more this month…you can get a risk free trial here
So, a short but sweet eletter today as I thought you might like to try out the handy Easy Auctions Tracker for yourself.
As always I wish you the very best of success,