Do make sure you include good feedback examples within your listings. Buyers are always interested to know what other buyers think of your products and will appreciate the fact that they don’t have to scour pages and pages of feedback to find the answers! You can either copy and paste some feedback, or take a screen shot using special software such as ‘Snagit’, and insert it as a picture.
Do create an ‘About Me’ page. This will reassure buyers that you are not some ‘fly by night’ and will help you grow your credibility.Your ‘About Me’ page is also the best place to add your business address (required by eBay for all business sellers). Placing your address on this page means that it is permanent and you won’t ever forget to include it in your listings because it’s already there! An added advantage is that if you work from home which is very likely, your address won’t be plastered across all your listings for the world to see and you won’t get unexpected callers demanding to view your goods!
Do set out your Terms and Conditions in all your listings. If you have specific payment time limits make sure they are included. If you charge a re-stocking fee for items that buyers simply change their minds over, make sure you state this. Include Frequently Asked Questions, refund information, guarantees etc. Leave no gaps as ultimately the more you include, the more confidence you inspire and the more you will sell.
Don’t use the Reserve Price option when you are selling a run-of-the-mill everyday item. Buyers don’t like Reserves not least because they usually don’t know what the reserve price is! Reserve prices should only be used on high value items to prevent them being sold at below their true market value.
Don’t use jargon in your titles or listings. eBay’s search engines won’t pick them up and you will waste your listing fees. Remember the more relevant the keywords, the higher up the search your listings will appear.
Don’t use loads of different colours and capital letters in your listings and certainly don’t use hot pink on a red background. Blindingly obvious? Yes! But you’d be surprised how many sellers actually do this! Your listing should be simple to read, no singing, no dancing and certainly no moving characters or audio.